Best Products, Competitive Prices
Checkered Tablecloth
Featured Item
By offering only the highest quality of products, we guarantee you’ll be satisfied with your purchase. Whatever unique or specific item you’re looking for, we’re confident you’ll find exactly what you need at P&D product.
Crystal Wine Glass
Customer Favorite
These products are one of our most popular and are currently available to buy in store. With the greatest variety available, you can be sure we have what you need. Stop by P&D product today to learn more.
Tables & Chairs
New Addition
These items are not only the highest quality, but also comes in a variety of options to suit your needs. For more information, feel free to call us or simply come by the store to see our full inventory.
The Best Restaurant Supply Store in Town
Since 2000, P&D product has been a well-known Restaurant Supply Store in San Francisco. What started out as a hobby, has become our passion and we're delighted to share it with you. We’re proud to have produced years of happy customers and look forward to continuing our work for many more to come! What are you waiting for? Stop by our store today for an exceptional shopping experience.
Come Visit
Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm
Sat: 10am - 5pm
Sunday: Closed
Face-to-Face Service
We started our business in 2000 and since day one knew that by offering the best in all categories, we can make a big difference to our customers.
In addition, our prices are competitive and our service is simply superb.
At P&D product we bring a high quality Restaurant Supply Store to the San Francisco area. Our passion for excellence drove us from the beginning and continues to drive us today. To find out more, take a look at our website, visit our store, email us, or pick up the phone and give us a call! We look forward to meeting you.
Industry Insights
New Product Sells Out In 24 Hours
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End of the Season Sale
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Riley Jones
This is your Testimonial quote. Use this space to share reviews about your store, products, and shopping experience. Get your site visitors excited about what you have to offer!
Payton Hillman
This is your Testimonial quote. Use this space to share reviews about your store, products, and shopping experience. Get your site visitors excited about what you have to offer!
Jessie Brown
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The Best Restaurant Supply Store in Town
Since 2000, P&D product has been a well-known Restaurant Supply Store in San Francisco. What started out as a hobby, has become our passion and we're delighted to share it with you. We’re proud to have produced years of happy customers and look forward to continuing our work for many more to come! What are you waiting for? Stop by our store today for an exceptional shopping experience.
Come Visit
Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm
Sat: 10am - 5pm
Sunday: Closed